Expert Email Marketer is considered to be the “Grandpa” of marketing in this era of innovative digital platforms. The ever-evolving trends have diverted the limelight towards less conventional, innovative ideas. And I agree! That nothing can replace the feeling of a guilt-free “Snap”, however, when it comes to business correspondence, we like it to be very much trackable with a generous serving of guilt whenever necessary. 😉 This is why even in 2018 the number of global email users amounted to 3.8 billion and is set to grow to 4.4 billion users by 2023. That is a staggering growth which shows that email is not a dried-up stream at all but in fact the perfect definition of old is gold. So let’s crack the code of a successful email marketing campaign and see what that’s about:

Understand & Respect:

Having a clearly documented idea of the people you want to target is extremely important for a successful email campaign. When you know your intended audience tailoring a conversation to their minds becomes easier. However, even when you think you know your audience inside out ALWAYS remember that you are a guest in their inbox. Maintain respect and DO NOT be overbearing. Just to put things in perspective; how would you treat a door salesperson if he/she showed up and acted like they owned your place? Your online clients don’t even have to go through the hassle of throwing you out. They CAN ignore you, or even worse BLOCK YOU!

Ask For Permission:

To become Expert Email Marketer No one likes a super spammy email filled to the top with a sales pitch and self-praise. Especially if you don’t remember opting in for it. Hence whenever planning to launch an email campaign. Make sure that the data is obtained via channels that do not get you blacklisted. Businesses targetting the clients in the EU must comply with the GDPR 2018. If you have a mixed pool of initial data filter out the clients from EU countries. Your marketing campaign is bound to bear higher results if your customers have opted in to get emails and newsletters on their own and are excited about it.

How do you do that?

Convince them that your email is going to add value to their life ! Give out a free e-book, specialized report or seminar. Share valuable content that gets a rapport going. In this day and age of outrageous content creation ratio “Value” is the real deal. Having a lead magnet will get you more subscriptions and thus allow your newsletters to reach a wider audience.

Great Content is Eternal:

After acquiring a base audience it is compulsory to keep them engaged through evenly timed newsletters. Adhering to a strict schedule will allow you to make room in people’s memories especially if your content is compelling enough to get the newsletters opened. Having a catchy subject line along with intriguing opening and well structured CTAs are the fundamentals of a successful email campaign.

Whereas sending out purely sales-y newsletters is a sure-fire way of getting users to unsubscribe. However, completely abandoning a sales pitch is also not the right way to lead either because at the end of the day a sale is what we are striving for. Follow an 80/20 ratio where 80% text adds value while 20% is allocated to a sales pitch. Maintain the flow of the draft and keep it subtle. Another way to incorporate sales pitch and branding in your email campaign is by sending in regular updates and promotional offers. This plays with the psychology of free things and makes your newsletters more interesting for the end-user.

Analyze, Improve, Tailor:

After setting up a campaign monitoring the results and nuances of the campaign is extremely important. You need to keep a close eye on whether your audience is opening up the newsletters and fulfilling the user journey or not. The results will determine whether you need to alter your template or your key audience. However, the process is an ongoing one. It requires a great deal of patience and resilience to keep adjusting your campaigns in accordance with the audience’s response.

An Expert Email Marketer Utilize the best tools to keep track; at some point, you may also have to design an alternate campaign that will retarget the existing customers or follow up with the ones that did not give a response at the initial stage. Follow the steps mentioned above and start your campaigns we wish you the best of luck! Plus, if you are already and email marketing expert share with us the tips and tricks that you might have acquired over time with experience.

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